Sunday, February 24, 2013

How do you feel today?

During circle time, I teach my toddlers how to speak in a complete sentence by asking them a question. So the question I asked today was "How do you feel today?".   I told them that some of us may feel happy, sad, excited or mad.  While Carlos was busy answering how his day was like, with his Mama and Dada, Ela answered "I'm excited!".  So I held on to my excitement as well and allowed Carlos to finish his story and in the end I asked...

Me: So how do you feel today Carlos, are you happy or sad?

Carlos: Happy!
Me: Carlos can you say "I feel happy today!"?
Carlos: I feel happy aday!

Then I proceeded to Ela.

Me: Ela, how do you feel today?
Ela: Excited! (with hand gestures and facial expression to match!)
Me: Can you say "I feel excited today!"?
Ela: I feel very excited today!
Me: Wow! Why are you excited today, Ela?
Ela: Because I am in school!
You can imagine how thrilled I was to hear that!

Then I asked Jacob.

Me: Jacob, how do you feel today?
Jacob: sunny day!
Me: Yes Jacob, it's a sunny day, but how do you feel today? Happy or sad?
Jacob: Appy!!! (with a huge smile on his face)

Pio was smiling and playing with some of his classmates when I asked him the same question but he did not reply. So I asked the class...

Me: What do you guys think? How do you think Pio feels today?
Millie: Happy
Me: Why do you think he is happy, Millie?
Carlos: No! Pio not happy! Pio sad!
Me: Why do you think Pio is sad, Carlos?

Then Carlos went on to tell us his theory of why he thought Pio was sad.

It's amazing how toddlers can comprehend something as abstract and complicated as feelings.  As a teacher, I believe that it is healthy to teach them to be aware of how they feel because in that way, they are able to cope with it better.  We know that sometimes feelings can be quite overwhelming and even as adults, we sometimes find it difficult to handle them.  So by teaching them early about these feelings, hopefully we are training them to be better managers of their emotions.  By doing that, I hope that in my own little way, I am helping raise level-headed, great decision makers who could impact our society in a big way in the future.  I have no doubt that these little ones will one day be successful entrepreneurs, professionals, politicians and maybe even the President!  And when that time comes, my heart will smile because I will remember the fun things we did in my little classroom and how it has produced such wonderful individuals who I can be so proud of.  And if only they become awesome parents, my heart would swell with pride just the same.  But for now, I will continue to enjoy having them in my care.  And yes, I feel very happy and excited today because of them!

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